Tuesday, December 16, 2008


J is using the Beautiful Feet Literature Approach to Geography as a prequel to Early American History. ( I want her to know where everything is before learning more about the history of our country.) This book uses the wonderfully illustrated books of Holling C. Holling along with a series of maps which the student fills in with information from the texts. J uses a large student atlas to help her.

She thinks this subject is boring, but I think it's a great way to learn geography. I know I'm learning something, so hopefully she is too!

I'm also trying to provide her additional reading for the time period being studied. When I was growing up I thought Native American Indian life was fascinating. It seems much more foreign to my children. Is this the nature of generations? I can't make her fall in love with these times and people, but what I can do is make sure she is exposed to it and given a chance to think about it.

Today she finished reading "Sing Down the Moon" by Scott O'Dell, and she is writing a one page essay about the Navajo Indian Tribe.

My Student, My Teacher

J is very kind and loving. She is a true and loyal friend.
She has a creative mind and she is quick to think up ways to entertain the younger ones.
She loves photography and music.
She also has a flare for fashion.
I think being born a micro-preemie at 28 weeks
has given her special gifts.
J is private and she has many layers
of talent and strength.
She is a joy to homeschool because she is quick to learn
and she understands concepts as fast as they are presented.

My mission is to make sure she is prepared to continue her education
in college and be able to follow the road toward her
life's vocation.

Homeschool Blog

Starting to blog in the middle of December about our homeschool year is probably normal for us. Homeschooling is less a structured time set aside for learning and more of a life where learning happens quite naturally.

However, now that I have two former homeschoolers in college, I realize there are some things my next daughter needs to do in order to be prepared to transition into the more structured enviornment of university learning.

My goal is to give her the background, foundation and tools she will need to move into more specialized studies with the experience she needs in order to have the least stress and the most success.

As of today, J is 14 and working in 8th grade.